Psychological Well-Being,

For A Better You.

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We make finding the perfect Mental Health provider a little easier.

Whether you are looking for a Psychiatrist, Counselor, Psychologist, Relationship Counselor, Therapist, or any other mental health specialist; whether you are seeking help with anxiety, depression, couples counseling, PTSD, ADHD, or trauma, the Top 20 by SIMPLY has specialists right in your local area.

Many of our Top 20 by SIMPLY mental health providers also have detailed profiles, highlighted specialties, and introduction videos to make your search even more informative and easy.

You've already taken the first step. Let us help you find the right provider.

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For small businesses, digital advertising can be a big expense. The Top 20 provides listings in focused geographic regions for your industry.

Our listings range in price from $25 to $225 per month, with no contract. Our offerings start with a professional listing, free article submission and a monthly analytics report. Higher positioned listings include a personalized profile, marketing video, and excerpts from your online reviews.

We are the experts at what we do, let us prove it.

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